‘The world is running out of potable water and a major policy initiative to guarantee freshwater as a human right is required. In a most interesting article from the Guardian, Jeffery Sachs of the UN's Millennium Project notes the world simply has "no more rivers to take water from". And the near total lack of basic water policy for the future is noted, such as how aquifers to be recharged are and how to sustain ground water use? For some time I have thought that a major water shortage crisis that ravishes millions may, even more so than climate change (though it may be the cause), galvanize the world to realize the extent to which the global biosphere teeters upon the edge of ruin. Then we may see the surge of personal lifestyle changes and policy prescriptions from governments and businesses adequate to achieve global ecological sustainability. The article notes that not only are China's and India's water supplies threatened but their food production as well. These "economic miracles" have largely been built upon the back of unsustainable water and other resource use - a deck of cards waiting to fall. In closing Sachs is quoted as making a point I have harked on for years, that "for the first time humans were shaping the environment rather than nature". Where does your water come from? What happens if it runs dry? What will you do, where will you go?’.. “World Running Out of Water” from http://www.waterconserve.org/
How can you conserve water ?
‘Lake Superior, the world's largest freshwater lake by surface area, is nearing its lowest level in more than 80 years.A regional 18-month drought is to blame, panelists from Environment Canada and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers told reporters in a telephone conference yesterday.The drought is also set to continue, they said. Forecasts point to average monthly record lows in the lake's level for August, September and October, with an all-time low expected sometime this fall’....”Great lakes near record lows from” from www.thestar.com
Why do you think this has happened?
-Off course for the absence of a management plan.
-No fixed policy and thus unrestricted drawing of water from lakes and rivers.
-Unregulated domestic supply
-Absence of metering system in most of the countries
Water managers of a city do not have an emergency plan in the case of a shortage.
Such trivial but important issues contribute “no more rivers to take water from".
The only solution is conservation of water. And to save water you must :
-Prioritize your works with water.
-Find out how you are wasting and saving water .
W.C.C or Water Control Center is a software which can do both of the above. It can prioritize the use of water by showing your total water use, where you are wasting and where you are saving water. It will also tell you , how many times you have to run your pump and how much cost you are bearing to fulfil your water requirement .
Remember to check the help files : 1 & 2 before working with the software . W.C.C is completely free and completely online, no need to download .
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