Concentration is the art of keeping your mind with one activity/object. Any human being needs to practice this art if he/she has to excel or even stand in his/her life. Our brain cannot perform two works at one time but it can divert from one work to other. When our mind gets diverted the quality of a work gets reduced. For example if anyone is trying to grasp a lesson but his/her mind is diverting to his past achievements in school sport competitions be assure that even if he/she keep on studying he/she will be unable to grasp the lesson until his/her mind again returns to the original objective i.e. learning the lessons. Any human can do one thing at one time. He can either think or grasp. So the learner must select any one of the activity to perform. But the selection is not as easy as it seems.
As explained before, the human mind cannot do multiple activities at the same time. So if he/she cannot grasp or think at the same time, no person can also select which one to perform first. That is why our mind needs to be trained and prepared to select the activity which will help us reach the goal. Actually the grasping of lesson is our goal but thinking is our diversion. But to prevent diversion you must learn or train to ignore them. Below is one of the many methodologies to train your mind to ignore the diversions :
1. Play computer games. The games force our mind to think about only one action at one time. Otherwise you will lose. As anyone playing a game has to be attentive the question of diversion will not arise and you will always think about the objectives to accomplish which will allow to be promoted into the next level. The very attraction of the reward may make you or the gamer very attentive.
2. Reward yourself after completion of an objective. This reward can be a visit to the video game parlor or a cinema hall or buying a book. Anything you like and cherish or longed to possess..
3. After doing one activity for a long time you may change your position for few minutes. If you are sitting, stand up and roam or vice-versa..
4. When you find yourself restless or inattentive close your eyes and touch different parts of your body and try to identify them. This procedure is very old but very effective to prevent high level of diversions like restlessness..
5. Such temporary restlessness can also be avoided by deep breathing. Inhale the air, hold for 30 seconds and release. Repeat this until you feel your mind is stable..
6. Dhyan or Pranayam is a process where people inhale and exhale at a specific manner and concentrate on one point or think about their god. This method of concentration is very effective but also strainful. Because during such activities the concentration will become your main objective and as usual mind will try to divert as much as possible. Then the very belief in god may help you to achieve your objective.
7. Hearing to music or chants is another way to concentrate. But the listener must not listen to this music. The objective of such kind of music is to embed some type of subliminal messages into your mind so that your mind becomes trained and hence attentive to reach your goal. But these messages can be embedded only if the listener is inattentive. To make the listener inattentive one can enforce them to become involved in other works or start or write to read books. .
8. After you go through the above methods of concentration you will find that doing the diversion will make your mind to concentrate on your goal. So while reading if you try to think about your achievements in sport then only you will try to grasp what you want to grasp. Whenever your mind becomes diverted try to think about the diversions. You will see that your mind will automatically become attentive and you will be able to concentrate more to achieve your goal..
As explained before, the human mind cannot do multiple activities at the same time. So if he/she cannot grasp or think at the same time, no person can also select which one to perform first. That is why our mind needs to be trained and prepared to select the activity which will help us reach the goal. Actually the grasping of lesson is our goal but thinking is our diversion. But to prevent diversion you must learn or train to ignore them. Below is one of the many methodologies to train your mind to ignore the diversions :
1. Play computer games. The games force our mind to think about only one action at one time. Otherwise you will lose. As anyone playing a game has to be attentive the question of diversion will not arise and you will always think about the objectives to accomplish which will allow to be promoted into the next level. The very attraction of the reward may make you or the gamer very attentive.
2. Reward yourself after completion of an objective. This reward can be a visit to the video game parlor or a cinema hall or buying a book. Anything you like and cherish or longed to possess..
3. After doing one activity for a long time you may change your position for few minutes. If you are sitting, stand up and roam or vice-versa..
4. When you find yourself restless or inattentive close your eyes and touch different parts of your body and try to identify them. This procedure is very old but very effective to prevent high level of diversions like restlessness..
5. Such temporary restlessness can also be avoided by deep breathing. Inhale the air, hold for 30 seconds and release. Repeat this until you feel your mind is stable..
6. Dhyan or Pranayam is a process where people inhale and exhale at a specific manner and concentrate on one point or think about their god. This method of concentration is very effective but also strainful. Because during such activities the concentration will become your main objective and as usual mind will try to divert as much as possible. Then the very belief in god may help you to achieve your objective.
7. Hearing to music or chants is another way to concentrate. But the listener must not listen to this music. The objective of such kind of music is to embed some type of subliminal messages into your mind so that your mind becomes trained and hence attentive to reach your goal. But these messages can be embedded only if the listener is inattentive. To make the listener inattentive one can enforce them to become involved in other works or start or write to read books. .
8. After you go through the above methods of concentration you will find that doing the diversion will make your mind to concentrate on your goal. So while reading if you try to think about your achievements in sport then only you will try to grasp what you want to grasp. Whenever your mind becomes diverted try to think about the diversions. You will see that your mind will automatically become attentive and you will be able to concentrate more to achieve your goal..