Shape files are so-called vector databases, describing the location of points (e.g., collecting locations), polylines (e.g., roads) or areas (or polygons, e.g., soil types, countries). A shape file actually consists of three separate files with the same name but with different extensions (SHP, SHX and DBF), but they are treated as one file. ESRI, a leading GIS software company. They were initially developed for use in ArcView, but now nearly all GIS programs can either directly use them, or import them. Shape files can be prepared with the help of any commercial software and also by some free software. Before going to the main tutorial a more detail concept of shape file is needed. Shape file mainly consist co-ordinates and value/s attached. By far the most accurate representation of elevations is done with shape files. In this case co-ordinates and elevation of that point is recorded in the shape file. For an example, try to answer the following question? How can a man who can not re...