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How to develop hydrologic models with the help of AI ?

 The backbone of AI is Artificial Neural Network. 

A specific procedure is followed by the human brain to process and react to the situation presented to him/her. It is certain that if humans become intelligent by adopting that methodology then the model developed with the help of the same methodology will be intelligent models which can react based on situations and past experience of responding to them.

By intelligent we mean adaptive based on the situation presented. AI makes machines intelligent as AI follows the same methodology that is being followed by humans to react to the situation presented to them.

The model developed with the help of the same procedure will certainly be more efficient compared to the other available conventional models and also become more flexible as it changes with the data it is presented at the time of learning the inherent models. As a result, the models developed with AI can be used in any watershed although it is developed with the help of the data of a specific watershed. When data is changed model parameters changes and so is the prediction.

So AI can be used in the development of hydrological models but how?

Find a step by step introduction here :

Thanking you,


My ResearchGate Id : Mrinmoy_Majumder
Author of: Lecture Notes on MCDM


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